Is stand meant to be a profit center, or is it a tool to get more merchants into the square payment ecosystem? Stand是一颗摇钱树,还是吸引更多商户加入Square支付生态系统的一个工具?
What it really ensured was that clearing firms should increase their investment, as the stock loan business continues to be a major profit center for clearing firms and prime brokers, as well as hedge funds and other large firms that hold large and diversified stock portfolios. 这样做真正确保的是清算公司应增加投资,而融券业务仍是清算公司、机构经纪商、对冲基金及其他持有大型多元化股票投资组合的公司的重要利润来源。
While the single-aisle jet market hardly grabs headlines, it is actually the biggest profit center for the two companies 'commercial aviation divisions. 虽然单通道飞机市场的新闻很难在媒体上成为头条,但它对于两家公司的商用航空部门来说却是最大的利润中心。
This profit center, at least for now, seems closed to the banks. 至少目前看来,这一利润中心似乎已经向银行关上了大门。
The single-aisle jet market hardly grabs the headlines, but it is the most important profit center for jet makers. 单通道机型很少受到媒体的关注,但它却是飞机制造商最重要的摇钱树。
Because an IT organization is traditionally a cost center, and not a profit center, it is very difficult to discuss the development of software in terms of profitability. 因为一个IT机构在传统上是成本中心,因此很难讨论development在利润上的软件开发。
Information is power and a new profit center 信息就是能量,是新的利润来源
A related problem involves the transfer of goods between a profit center and other parts of the organization. 另外一个问题是涉及在利润中心和企业内部其他部门之间进行商品转移的问题。
A profit center is any responsibility center responsible for profit, thus responsible for revenue, cost, production, and sales volume. 利润中心是指对利润负责的责任中心,就是说,对收入、成本、产量和销量负责的责任中心。
Controllable income is the excess of contribution margin over fixed costs controlled by the profit center. 所谓可控收益就是利润中心的边际贡献扣除利润中心可控制的各项固定成本后的余额。
Such goods must be priced so that the profit center manager has incentives to trade with other unite when it is in the organization's best interests. 此类商品必须定价以便利润中心经理在保证企业最大利益的同时有动力和其他部门进行交易。
Contribution margin is the excess of revenue of the profit center over all variable costs of those sales. 边际贡献是指利润中心的销售收入减去售出产品的全部变动成本后的余额。
If no profit center exists for the selected interval of accounts when you make a posting, the system uses the default profit center. 过帐时没有指定利润中心时,系统才会使用这个默认值。
If a profit center is totally separate from all other parts of the organization, its profits can be uniquely identified with it. 如果利润中心是一个完全独立于企业其他部门的利润中心,其利润就可以独一无二地确定。
By contrast to a cost center, a profit center has control over both cost and revenue and it would be concerned with market-ing its goods as well as producing them. 与成本中心不同,利润中心能随时控制成本和收入,它不仅要关注生产,而且要关注产品的推销。
Together, they pioneered the world's first profit center. 他们一起开创了世界上第一个赢利中心。
However, modern internal auditing, which belongs to value-added auditing, is a profit center. 而现代内部审计为增值型审计,现代内部审计部门是利润中心。
In short, how do you make MU a profit center while achieving its corporate objectives? 简而言之,您怎样让销摩托罗拉大学成为一个利润中心,又能达成企业的目标?
So the chains generally buy the drug for less than Medicare reimburses, making the drug a profit center. 这样一来,中心购入药物的价格低于医疗保障的偿付,使该药物成为利润的制造中心。
But it only controls costs and revenues related to the profit center other than those of the entire organization. 但是它只能控制与其相关的成本和收入,而不能控制企业全部的成本和收入。
A profit center may determine which of products and how many products should be produced and sold. 利润中心可以决定产销哪些产品和多少产品。
We may measure the performance of the profit center or its manager by means of the controllable income variance that is the difference between the actual and planned number of the controllable income. 我们可以利用可控收益实际数与计划数的偏差来评价利润中心及其经理的绩效。
It is not easy to determine how to measure performance in a profit center exist. 可见,确定如何衡量现有的利润中心的绩效是不容易的事情。
Chapter six, It proves the incentive mechanism avoids the profit center managers 'moral hazard through a case to a certain degree, and eliminates some budget slack phenomena of comprehensive budget management. 第六章通过案例论证了激励机制在一定程度上规避了利润中心经理人的道德风险,从而消除了全面预算管理中的一些预算松弛现象。
Considering the development background of our company, when company converted from cost center to profit center, we still followed former cost control system and performance standards, and these conditions brought the losses. 结合我公司的发展背景,我认为发生亏损主要是因为公司在由成本中心体制转向利润中心体制后,成本控制制度和绩效标准仍沿袭以前的做法引起的。
The general company is the decision and management center. The subsidiary companies in the produce and profit center. 集团公司定位为战略决策和管理控制中心,子公司定位为集团的利润中心和生产经营单位。
Enterprises should transfer insurable risk management from service center to profit center to enhance their competitiveness. 企业要将可保风险管理从服务中心向利润中心转变,以增强核心竞争力。
With the development of customer relationship management theory and its practice in corporate operations management, call center operations connotation has been continually enriched and gradually changing to a profit center. 随着客户关系管理理论的发展和在企业运营管理中的实践,呼叫中心业务内涵得到不断丰富,并逐渐向利润中心转变。
SBU closures have the independent and closed characteristics, and each SBU closure can become an autonomous, self-financing profit center. SBU闭包具有自主性和闭合性,每一个SBU闭包都能成为自主经营、自负盈亏的利润中心。